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LJ Interests meme results
- biking:
I like to bike. :) I’m trying to get up the nerve to bike in Ireland, where there are few sidewalks, no road shoulders, and a lot of crazy drivers. If I manage to develop the nerve, that’ll pretty much obliterate any excuses I have for not getting myself to the gym. Well, except for the weather… - cate dermody:
Gosh, tooting my own horn. Cate Dermody is the name I write my action-adventure novels under. It was also my maternal grandmother’s maiden name. - digital photography:
I’ve always loved photography, ever since I was a kid. I was good enough in high school to earn a scholarship for photography, but my time/interest/inclination slacked off and I’monly trying now to get back into it. I have gotten myself a Nikon d50, which is a very nice digital camera, and my photography site feed is at(or the real site is at - gambit:
The ragin’ Cajun. *silly grin* He’s one of my favorite X-Men partly ’cause he’s Rogue’s love interest, but also on his own merits. He’s a hero, but one with more than just a shady past; his shady past continues right up to the present day. The man’s a thief. This is not something good, straightforward honest people do. The contradiction appeals to me. Plus, y’know, just raar. - james marsters:
SPIKEBUTT. - mars:
- new orleans:
- robert heinlein:
- stargate:
- urban family dog:
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but I do love me some Gambit, too :D And James Marsters, but especially when he’s being bad.
Speaking of Gambit…did you know that he is Apocalypse’s new horseman of Death? He looks pretty cool in his newly…ah…mutated/reengineered form.