The time hath arrived! I shall announce with grandeur and splendour and a couple of other -eur-sounding-words who the lucky winners of HOUSE OF CARDS are! In no particular order:
suzannemcleod, because her surname makes me mumble, “I am Duncan MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod,” when I see it, but also because she offered to donate 2x the cover price to the WWF and switch off for Earth Hour, which is an excellent way to my save-the-world heart;
bellinghman, for inadvertently explaining to me why it is I’ve always thought “Janx” was a familiar enough word to make a reasonable name: Oh don’t give me no more of that Old Janx Spirit, he wrote, and clarity fell down upon me like a light from the heavens, singing “AaaaaAAAAAH!” in the way that one expects light from the heavens to do;
Kari on my blog (as opposed to the LJ), for de-lurking and announcing her presence as well as having had the obviously excellent taste to like my books long before she found my blog;
lithera, who really has had a crap year thus far and who could use some cheering up,
and damedini, because she also needs some cheering up, and because I have love in my heart for her default usericon (look, I’m shallow, okay? I’m good with that!). :)
If the winners would email me your snailmail addresses at cemurphyauthor at gmail dot com, and put “HoC winner address” in the subject line, that would be quite splendid. :)
But if you have not gotten a copy, do not despair! This week over on the League of Reluctant Adults blog, they’ll be discussing HEART OF STONE as their first book of the month club book. At the end of the week I’ll give another copy away to an active participant, so go forth, be active, participate, and get a second chance at an early copy of HoC. :)
And to wrap up, I’ve gotten the cover for the third and final book in the Negotiator Trilogy! HANDS OF FLAME, due out in September 2008! (Click through to see a larger version. :))
If it’s any consolation, having made that comment, I then had to go out and Google™ where it came from.
Then I went ‘Oh, of course!’
Oh, and if that Kari is the one I suspect it is, she does have good taste. Educated good taste, too, possibly excepting some of the more obscure products of the Hong Kong cinema industry.
(And if it’s a different Kari, well, she’s now confused by this comment.)
nice cover art!! :D
Well….I like to think that I have good taste, and I am educated. I’m not well versed in anything out of Hong Kong… So it COULD be me! But most likely I’m just the confused one. ;)
In that case, yes, you’re a different Kari, but upholding the standards that I expect from a Kari.
HEY! How were us faithful readers over on supposed to know who one had you not just posted this blog URL over there? Hmmm? HMMMM??? *surly face*
Therefore I reluctantly say AWESOME cover art. ;)
The contest is separate from the one. :)
Oh! Um..hmm. Then I totally take that comment back and instead shower you with a plethora of praise and happy thoughts! *grin*