Nabbed from
Here’s what you need to do:
Give me the title of a story I’ve never written, and feedback telling me what you liked best about it, and I will tell you any of: the first sentence, the last sentence, the thing that made me want to write it, the biggest problem I had while writing it, why it almost never got submitted to magazines, the scene that hit the cutting room floor but that I wish I’d been able to salvage, or something else that I want readers to know.
As per the others, I make no promises that these won’t turn into real stories. Also, I make no guarantees as to how many of these I’ll do. Five is a safe bet; more than that, maybe not, but heck, play along anyway.
You know that little snippet you wrote from Morrison’s perspective about the first time he met Joann and the few months following when he took over the station? I loved that story. It was so cool to be inside his head for a change.
*giggles and runs away*
I knew somebody was going to do that. :)
oops forgot the title!
“It’s just a car.”
There is simply no way I could come up with a better one than Laura, so I will just second hers:)
Well, it just has to be A Conspiracy of Cartographers, doesn’t it?
Except that’s a *book* and I’m going to *write* it someday!