much better

The new opening for SPIRIT DANCES is much, *much* better. I’ve written two entirely new chapters and have revised a third. I’m reasonably certain the next five chapters, possibly as much as the next seven or even eight, can go back in with relatively minor revisions, so getting through at least five chapters is tomorrow’s goal. Sunday can be my day off, since there’s family Easter stuff going on then, and since there’s gosh let me count FOURTEEN DAYS until this book’s ideal deadline. No rest for the wicked.

I dislike revisions, but I seem to dislike them much *less* when I’ve figured out the problem on my own, rather than having an editor tell me where I went wrong.

Now I’m going to go see Clash of the Titans. I’ve never seen the original, because stop-motion SFX give me the heebie-jeebies, so I’ll probably enjoy it more than most people of my generation.

ytd wordcount: 123,900

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