a few words, anyway

1200 words today, which isn’t as many as I’d intended, but which is better than a kick in the teeth with a frozen mukluk. No exercising, which is … also better than a kick in the teeth with a frozen mukluk, now that you mention it.

Oh yes, and two rejection letters in the mail today on Trapper’s Daughter.

50K in 30 days: 28,889
ytd wordcount: 47,500

3 thoughts on “a few words, anyway

  1. Well. They are great fools for rejecting us. They will rue the day they said no! Rue rue!

    1200 words is about 1200 times better than a kick in the teeth with a frozen mukluk I should think. GO YOU!

  2. As long as your life remains better than a kick in the teeth with a frozen mukluk, I guess that’s all right. But is it better than a slap in the belly with a wet fish?

  3. I pity da fools!
    Just because they don’t know a good thing when they see it……Oh well, when your novels are accepted and you’re fabulously wealthy and famous, you can send them letters saying….”Remember me? I gave you a chance. You could be sharing in this success, but no…You were too short-sighted. So there. NYAH!”
    And then you can flounce off in righteous self-satisfaction…. :)

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