a novel idea

Here’s a novel idea for you: my new alarm clock apparently hasn’t got a snooze button. It turns on, and if you hit the ‘sleep’ button, it turns back off again and doesn’t turn on again until the next day. How’s that for crazy? What’s the world coming to, I ask you? I don’t think I’ve ever *owned* a (digital, at least) alarm clock that didn’t have a snooze.

This is clearly going to take some getting used to!

4 thoughts on “a novel idea

  1. Well…maybe -you- (or Ted) could come up with a novel idea about an alarm clock with no snooze button. But I can’t. :)

  2. Hmm…how about someone whose life is saved after buying an alarm clock with no snooze button…He or she goes back to sleep and miss some event (like an office shooting or something more unusual) that changes his or her life forever…

    An interesting premise…maybe I can come up with something better later.

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