a pokemon weekend :)

banner liberated from twitter user iPokemonGO :)

I spent basically the entire weekend playing PokemonGo, and it was GREAT. :D

Please know that I do not expect many of the following words, in these sequences, to mean much to most people. :D

It was the PokemonGoFest weekend, and I got in the region of 2 million XP, which is an extremely large amount for me. I am T R Y I N G to reach 50th level in this wretched game because, see, I do not play video games, and I never level out in them on the rare occasions that I do, but I happened to hit 40th level, which was the highest level the game HAD, quite a while before they raised the highest level to 50.

It is much, much harder to get to level 50 than it was to get to level 40, and I badly want to reach 50 and possibly STOP PLAYING FOREVER but definitely I want to reach it before they raise it to 60, which will make me miserable. (To get to level 40, you need a total of 20 million XP. To get to level 50, you need an additional 156 million XP. I really honestly don’t want them to raise it to level 60 because I’ll never get there, it’s going to take another 500 million or something. :( And I’m actually 12m into getting to level 50, but one of the tasks you have to do in order to GET there is very difficult if you don’t have other people who play a lot around you, so… meh.)

Anyway, no, no, we’re focusing on the fun and the positive here. Two million XP over the weekend! And I also got like FIFTEEN shinies, which is OUTRAGEOUS for me, especially because FOUR of them were the Big Event Pokemon of the weekend, Necrozma, the VERY FIRST ONE OF WHICH I CAUGHT was shiny! Plus I got two other shiny Legendaries and a bunch of others I hadn’t had, including a last-minute Phantump which I think is very cute in its shiny form. :)

Sunday my son and I went out to hunt and do raids and he very wisely suggested that next time there’s a big event on, we should go down to Dublin, where there are a lot more players and it’s way easier to find other people to DO RAIDS WITH, because for these things 2 people just isn’t enough to defeat the raids. (I found out the hard way that 3 isn’t, either.) But he got a shiny Jangmo’o almost right out the door and was thrilled because they’re very cute/different from their normal version, AND he hadn’t evolved one yet so his first evolution of the whole set was shiny, which is frankly extremely satisfying. :)

I didn’t get QUITE enough magic dust to evolve a Necrozma into the Dawn Wings version, but my Dusk Mane one is SHINY and BEAUTIFUL and I’m hoping this last piece of research I’m doing will give me the magic dust for the Dawn Wings version. :)

See? Isn’t it cool? O.O (lol. no, i don’t expect you to really think it’s cool. But I do! :D)

ALSO. ALSO! I got my very first SHUNDO last week and it was ALSO A LEGENDARY and EIGHT YEARS, MAN, I’VE BEEN PLAYING EIGHT YEARS AND IT’S THE FIRST SHUNDO (shiny, hundred percent/perfect stats: shundo) I’VE EVER GOTTEN. IT WAS VERY EXCITING!

AND! AND!!! I won TWO showcases on Sunday with my Very Large Necrozmas! I’ve never won two at once before! SO EXCITING! :D :D :D

So it was a pretty good weekend for me, in a very low-key kind of way, and I’m fairly content right now, which is pretty nice.

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