A whole day went by without me posting. Oops. I’m sure my faithful audience is crushed. :)
Busy day yesterday. I leapt out of bed and got 2300 words written before my dentist appointment, but then I never got back to writing, so that was my total for the day. I’m going to aim for 3300 today to make up for it, but if I don’t make it, eh, that’s okay.
That was the nicest dentist appointment I’ve ever had, I think. Except the part where they said I had a cavity, but even then the dentist was impressed because he’d been keeping an eye on it since 2002 and it’d only just broken through the enamel, so he said, “Good job.” *laugh* More importantly, though, that was the best dental hygenist I’ve ever had. She didn’t hurt my teeth at *all* when she cleaned them. Usually I can tell how uncomfortable I am because I usually lace my fingers together while I’m hanging upside down in the chair, and my grip gets tighter and tenser as the hygenist pokes around, and I have to actively think about relaxing my hands, but I never did with this woman. So that was quite awesome, and I told her that was the nicest cleaning I’d ever had. :)
That was *way* more than you wanted to know about my teeth, wasn’t it? Oh well, that’s what you get for reading my journal. :)
Stupid scale says I’m up half a pound from last week, today. This is particularly annoying because yesterday I was down almost two pounds from last week. Hrmph. Stupid scale.
Um. Dad came over and we talked about marketing for my book, as well as things like inspirational speakers and going forth and doing the things that will get you what you want in life, aaaaand then Ted and I went over to Borders and got the May Realms of Fantasy that has a FULL PAGE COLOR AD FOR URBAN SHAMAN IN IT! AHAHAHAHAH. :) Pretty cool! And by the time all that was over we had to come home and check out the new CoH upgrade, so overall, a good day. :)
Off to write now. Well, after breakfast.
miles to Rauros Falls: 198
ytd wordcount: 109,800
Have you tried the arena yet?
No, not yet. I had to make up a new character with the new costumes and stuff instead. :) Have you?
> Oops. I’m sure my faithful audience is crushed. :)
I was crushed!
*big heavy thing*
Gak! *eyes roll back and form comic book dead thing crosses*
Yep. Crushed. See what being away for a day gets you?
Actually, I assumed your net access was donw. But instead you’re just a slacker. :)