about time.

Houston, we have video.

Apparently installing SP2 was the critical bit in getting my vid feed to work. I haven’t turned flash back on automatically (in part because, uh, I don’t remember how I turned it off), but I can at least now play youtube vids and whatnot at whim. Yay. :)

In general: this show didn’t have very many misses, particularly for a season one show. We said a number of times, especially in the second half of the season, “Wow, that was a really good ep,” and being consistently surprised and then amused at our consistent surprise.

In more specific: gosh I like Jensen Ackles. Dean is a really good character. I like him better than Sam, who is a perfectly fine character, but Dean’s got that lovely stoic angst going. Also, you can see his entire face (my god, I’ve turned into my mother), which Sam’s stupid haircut doesn’t allow for (otoh, Sam In A Towel. Rawr.). :) I also almost a hundred percent dislike the father, who is a totalitarian dickwad. But Dean, ah, Dean. Looks out for his baby brother an’ kills the bad things. *snif* So sweet!

Consequently, my favorite episodes were Dean eps. “Faith” was hands down the best episode of the season (and it had Darla! that was keen! :)), although “Route 666” was also pretty good (and hoo boy what a *babe* Dean’s girlfriend is). I really like his complete inability to deal with emotional issues (especially compared to College Boy Sam, who is clearly a Sensitive White Guy, and who tries to Talk About Stuff). :) Which made me REALLY like the episode (I’ve forgotten the title) where the witch is sucking the lives out of kids, and Dean tells the older brother in the most recent family that’s been attacked that yeah, he’d do anything for his little brother, while Sam is in the room. I was all “awww!”

Both Ted and I said, when Meg appeared in the story, “She’s way too cute. She must be evil.”

Possibly the best bit of watching the last episode was when the semi hit the car (AUGH THE *CAR*!) I had Lucy on my lap and my hands on her, and I spasmed and pushed down on her and she shot off my lap and tore across Ted’s chest and scared the hell out of both of us. *laugh*

I do have one serious issue with some information given out in the last couple episodes. Ok, I knew that the demon was going after babies with psychic potential. That was pretty obvious, particularly after Telekinetic Kid. (In fact, it was so obvious that when Rosie’s mother said, “It’s like she’s reading your mind” I was all OKAY WE GET IT WE ALREADY HAD IT THE CLUE STICK IT HURTS, but maybe that was just me. Anyway.) I’m not clear why every single one of their mothers got wasted, nor what happened to the babies or the rest of the family if Daddy or somebody didn’t manage to rescue them, but ok, maybe that’ll come out later. (I mean, are they the 27 demonic possessions this year? Or what? Well, anyway.) However:

Sam’s girlfriend Jess *completely* fails to fit in the pattern. She had no 6 month old child. She had no family. She had, yeah, a psychic boyfriend, but that is *totally* not the pattern, and it bugs me. It suggests bad storytelling and hauling the plot around to do what they needed it to in order to get Sam into the game again. I don’t like it. I hope that there’s a satisfactory explanation further down the road, but I’m really dubious. So that makes me cranky, but other than that, I really enjoyed it and look forward to the next season. :)

21 thoughts on “about time.

  1. I literally bounced when I saw that you’d watched S1 “Supernatural”. Bounced, I tell you! And I bounced again when you reviewed it so positively. It’s one thing for me to like it (because I think it’s kind of schlocky), but I like it when someone who is like an actual paid writer likes it.

    And now you may understand why it is I want to write Supernatural/WoD crossover fanfic. Especially Dean. I love Dean snarkiness. I love his realtionship with Sam, and oh, god, yes, samn is Sensitive New Age boy but they really are perfect foils for one another.

    Having caught up on what has been aired of S2, I can note that…yes, Jess fails to fit the pattern. And although they haven’t *directly* address it…when you mentioned that, I did think of something presented in S2 that might help explain it. Maybe. If you’re willing to read it that way.

    I’ve enjoyed S2. The story arc is a lot more obvious so far in this one, and feels less ‘monster of the week’. Not that there’s anything wrong with it, but I enjoy the long episode arc shows.

  2. Perhaps the demon doesn’t like the idea of psychic breeders? Possibly it’s just trying to cut the issue off at the source.

  3. It’s one thing for me to like it (because I think it’s kind of schlocky)

    Well, it’s horror tv. I mean, when you get down to it, yeah, that’s schlocky. But they’re doing a good job with it, the boys play it straight (despite the occasional helpful person who thinks they’re a couple, hee hee hee), and it’s their relationship that makes the show interesting, far more than the monster of the week thing. They’re good actors, both of ’em, and the writers are doing a good job of writing their types differently enough to have conflict. Enjoyable stuff.

    …that might help explain it. Maybe. If you’re willing to read it that way.

    That’s not exactly a resounding recommendation. *laugh* Eventually I’ll get to watch S2 and see if I pick up on the thing you thought of. :)

  4. The thought occured to me, but it appears the demon has a *use* for the psychic babies, so I’m not sure that follows. :)

  5. Which made me REALLY like the episode (I’ve forgotten the title) where the witch is sucking the lives out of kids

    That would be Something Wicked. :) Good ep. And yes, they kinda sorta do address the whole demon/moms/psychic kids thing in season two. Sort of. Then again, we haven’t finished season two, so we’ll see.


    Yes. This show likes to drop anvils on our heads. *laugh*

    And just for you… *points to icon*… Dean.

  6. Did you admire the many fine ‘oh! Nothing good can come of this!’ moments? Did you?!

    As to Jess… I suspect she was gotten rid of because she was in the way. She was leading Sam to a path that was contrary to whatever plan the demon has.

  7. My theory is that Jessica was pregnant with Sams child. And this demon dosent want any secong generation psychics? Sam also used telekinesis without knowing he did it so he’s REALLY special I do agree with you about them throwing out too many hints about the psychic kids.- Tevans

  8. And when Season 2 comes back from Fallbreak we find out what there Dad told Dean about Sam and the psychic kids like him before he died. SEASON 2 rocks- Tevans

  9. *laugh* Yes. Yes, we did. We spent a lot of time saying, “Oh, this can’t be good,” to one another. :) And discussing the fact that the problem with horror (stories) is that while of course everybody knows all the rules of horror movies, you don’t actually *believe* you’re *in* one, which is the only reason anybody would go into the haunted house/whatever.

    Which made me like the, “You’ve seen a lot of horror movies, right?” “Uh, yeah, I guess…” “Then next time somebody tells you a place is haunted, STAY AWAY!” exchange very very much. :)

    Now that reason for Jess’s death, I’ll buy. Also, what is it with Supernatural and names from Gilmore Girls? I’m surprised they didn’t name Sam’s character Rory. O.O

  10. Oh, MAN, wait until you get to season two.

    No spoilers, I promise. :)

    Yes, absolutely, the whole quality of the show hinges on the relationship between the brothers, but THAT, as well written as it is, is successful because of the chemistry between the actors. They are fabulous together. No other pairing would work as well, and I think that’s the reason for all the Wincest stuff (which I hate). But the emotional resonance is so intense, I can understand why it goes there.

    You named my favorite eps, too, for the same reasons. What I love most is that even though Dean is all, “Dude, no chick-flick moments,” he’s also not afraid to admit that Dad and Sam are all he has and he doesn’t want them to leave him.

    Season two is EVEN BETTER

  11. I swear, I clicked in the typing space, nowhere near the post button.

    Anyway, S2 is even better with the relationship stuff. Wait until you get to Croatoan. I don’t care about leaps in logic, convenient storytelling, awkward exposition (actually, I like the exposition quite a lot ), etc., when we’ve got hard-hitting brotherly moments all over the place.

    Sam gets less emo and more mature and more MANLY in season 2, also.

    RE: Jess, I do think that probably her role in pushing Sam back into The Life of the Hunter was more about that one episode and his motivation for continuing to look for Dad than it was about the overall arc of the demon’s plans, and they’ve had to work hard to make it fit otherwise.

    However, there are plenty of things in the beginning of season two that show the demon is not mindless, his pattern not fixed. He’s Machiavellian, and he’ll do anything to benefit his grand plan.

    I guess we’ll see soon enough. Or, (sorry) those of us in the U.S. will. (Thank God I’m not in Ireland!)

  12. I think that’s the reason for all the Wincest stuff


    *breaks down laughing*

    *laughs and laughs and laughs*

    -wheezes- Ok. -laughs- Right. Okay. -laugh- There was one scene toward the end of season one–where Sam flipped out and ran Dean up against the wall and was yelling at him, where I thought, “Oh, god, the fanficcers must have gone *mad* with this.” I’m definitely not a Wincest fan either (*laughs some more*), but against all rationality I sort of expected that scene to end in a kiss. *laugh* I mean, not really, but I could see why you’d think it /would/.

    What I love most is that even though Dean is all, “Dude, no chick-flick moments,” he’s also not afraid to admit that Dad and Sam are all he has and he doesn’t want them to leave him.

    Yeah. His contempt for the mushy stuff juxtaposes really nicely with his love for his family. Good stuff. :)

  13. Sam gets less emo and more mature and more MANLY in season 2, also.

    *laughs* Less emo. *laughs* Good, although he’s cute as emo. *laugh*

  14. but against all rationality I sort of expected that scene to end in a kiss.

    YES! You get it. I don’t WANT them to kiss, but I love the intensity between them. And in contrast to the slamming is Dean comforting Sam when…well, you’ll get there. :)

  15. Dood. I just noticed your icon. Iconlust!

    -laughs-! That’s a pretty funny video, all right. What a face. :)

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