and it’s off!

Edited a hundred pages of HoS last night, but I haven’t gotten to the icky stuff yet. A lot of the early stuff is more or less unchanged (er, except the whole new plotline in there), so it’s pretty solid. I think it’s around chapter 10 or 12 that it starts becoming unbelievably awful. :)

Had a bit of a panic this morning because I couldn’t find the ink that goes with the Amazing Glass Pen that Sarah sent me. That pen, because it is very, very important to me, is my Contract Signing Pen, and I was just not gonna sign the contract with a different one. I had to clean my desk and then shove things around on the kitchen counter before I found the ink (which is now safely back in the box with the pen where it belongs), and the contract is in the mail. Yay!

It is raining cats and *dogs*, man. I don’t wanna walk my miles in this weather! Wah! Soppy Kit!

miles to Lothlorien: 264

8 thoughts on “and it’s off!

  1. You perhaps ought to consider picking up some good rain gear. Though it might not do such a good job at deflecting dogs. I can only hope that it’s raining terriers and not german shepherds…

  2. Phew! I’m glad you found the ink!

    And so very glad that the pen still makes you happy. *smug*

  3. I *adore* this pen. I *love* it. I take it out once in a while to just beam at it.

    The saddest thing about the pen is that it does not make my handwriting Astonishingly Beautiful, which suggests to me that there is no pen on earth cool enough to make my handwriting Astonishingly Beautiful, because this one would be the one, if there were such a creature. :)

  4. Isn’t that depressing? One would think that the Coolest Pens could magically transform one’s handwriting, but it’s simply not the case.



    In other news, my creative writing professor thinks my writing is publishable. :) Hee. I’m tickled pink. :)

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