WAYFINDER I just got a box of WAYFINDER advanced reader copies! I’ve never in my whole career gotten ARCs before! It’s very exciting!

In celebration, I will give one away! Well, one on the mizkit propagations, anyway, which means it’s just one between and mizkit.livejournal, but DON’T BE GREEDY!

Comment either at or and I’ll draw a random number on Saturday and stick the book in the mail Monday!

14 thoughts on “ARCs!

  1. Never had ARC’s before? That’s surprising with all the books you’ve written so far.

    1. Yeah, I know, I just never ever get the ARCs! I’ve got two that people sent me of Walker Papers books, but yeah. Never got a box of ’em before!

  2. The cover is gorgeous. I’m not sure I can wait til September to read it.

  3. Very pretty cover. Do you think it is your location that influence the lack of ARCs?

  4. Here’s hoping *crossed fingers*…
    Or maybe it’s your burgeoning profile as an author that merits an entire box of ARC’s for self-promotion?

  5. I really enjoyed Truthseeker and am looking forward to reading Wayfinder. Glad you got the arcs.

  6. I love this cover!! I’m such a crow when it comes to shiny, purty covers. Can’t wait to read this one!

  7. OOHOOH! I can’t wait to read this book. I loved the Truthseeker. I hope I haven’t missed the drawing. How exciting! The cover is gorgeous.

  8. Katie, This cover is as nice as the first Walker Paper one Urban Shaman you bought to my house at Christmas time before it was published. I love it. I also have never been able to get you Take a Chance comic books. I had them on order for a year and then they were canceled. Any ideas where I can get the hard cover book with them all in it? Aunt Diane

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