goals: ytd

Goals: year to date. Parenthetical statements indicate # achieved in June. Words written anticipated: 199,100 achieved: 149,000 (8,500) Miles biked anticipated: 750 achieved: 484.8 (201.2) Miles swum anticipated: 56 achieved: 19.3 (0) Drawings drawn anticipated: 50 achieved: 13.5 (0) Books read anticipated: 52 achieved: 36 (3) Pounds lost anticipated: 15 achieved: 7.5 (changing goal, see below) Regarding the weight loss goal… I gained 5 pounds over the first 3.5 months of the year and have lost 7 pounds since mid-April. Because I wanted to lose 30 pounds it seemed like…

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gargh. stupid windows. ^w closes windows in Windows and changes windows in simplemu* and i just got done typing up a blog entry and closed my stupid browser window. gargh. AS I WAS TRYING TO SAY. I have, if nothing else, certainly assured that there is a nice even distribution of cottonwood fluff all over the lawn. o.O And now I am sweating like a little piggy-wig. I forgot what else I was saying. Oh. We need another hose to attach to the one we’ve got, ’cause ours isn’t long…

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I just walked entirely under the neighbor’s sprinkler. *Not* what I intended to do. I managed to get just exactly in step with it so that I walked beside it for the entire arc of water and got rained on. *drip*

busy sunday

Sunday was busy too. I got up at 9, after lying around for quite a while and finally being no longer able to stay in bed. I had hopes Ted would get up soon and make waffles, so instead of eating breakfast, I made bread, cookies, and worked on Angles. Eventually Ted got up and did not want to make waffles, so I had a bowl of cereal to supplement the two cookies I’d already eaten, hung out online a bit, had some more cookies, and went biking. 23.3 miles…

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Wow. I’ve gotten a lot done today. Everything on my list except for biking, which I’ll do after dinner. We did our Sunday shopping today, because, er, well, we were out of a lot of things. Ted got his glasses adjusted and picked up his contacts, I got a pair of shorts, we looked at fencing stuff — we think we’re going to build a 3″ cedar picket fence, rather than the 6″ privacy fences all our neighbors have, because 1. we’re not that private, 2. it’s cheaper, and 3.…

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