biking and words

miles to Mordor: 263 ytd wordcount: 140,500

um, just stuff

Just stuff, today. My back was all achy and awful yesterday and it’s still stiff today (a combination, maybe, of an 8 mile hike Saturday and then sleeping very badly Monday night) and it occurred to me last night that while I like to push myself, that it might be a better idea to do the 50K ride on Sunday instead of the 100K ride, because I /know/ I can do the 50K ride and once again, it seems more clever to ensure I’ll be able to bike all summer…

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some updates

Some Chance updates. It’s now way, way later than I meant to to be up, so I’m going to bed. Nini.


REEEEEEjection-junction, what’s your function? Got rejected by Jim’s agent. I suppose I’ll start an envelope of rejections from agents, too, since I’ve got an envelope of rejections from publishing houses going already. Well, that was fast, anyway. New agent, move down!

v. tired me

V. tired me. V. v. tired. We picked Mom & Dad up at the airport last night, and t here wasn’t really a lot of sleeping around that. I thought I had an 8:30am meeting, but I can’t find it. Guess I’ll get some food.