Thick fingers this morning. Exercise and breakfast accomplished, if nothing else. I walked 4 miles this morning (go me!) and my feet didn’t hurt at all! That’s new and exciting for me! There were many, /many/ people out this morning. There’s a Team in Training for a lukemia fundraiser and there were about twelve million of them out, and then a herd of bikers went by me, and there were some random runners, and a couple of walkers like myself. They were all skinnier than I am. This is the…
Author: mizkit
more on the job thing
Well, I talked with my lead yesterday and she was very very surprised at the idea that me doing graphics might lead to Eric being out of a job. I hope she’s right, and that it’s just that he’s overworked (which he is) rather than my boss trying to put him out of a job. Maybe it’s just that I’m paranoid. :P
orlando bloom
Doesn’t this photo of Orlando Bloom just kind of make you want to pin him down and lick him?
walky walky
I went on a little 1.5 mile walk tonight, and I *ran*. Several steps in a *row*. Three *times*. Now I’m sort of waiting to see if my back goes out. I’ve done my exercises and so far I’m okay, but man, talk about paranoid. We’ll see, I guess. miles to Rivendell: 21
Biked 12 miles yesterday. Today I’m going to go for an actual walk instead of biking, because I have Bike Butt From Heck. Ow. Plus my quads hurt. My grandma’s in the hospital, possibly with pneumonia. :( miles to Rivendell: 19.5 (slept v. well in green hill country at 18 miles, the first milestone!) Heather’s miles to Rivendell: 5.5