Sorry for the astoundingly dull updates the last few days. My life has become all about the wordcount. Today’s the last day of 50K in 30 days. I’ve written 60,330 words on a single project since January 23rd. The sort of weird thing is that’s only an average of 2000 words a day, which doesn’t seem like /that/ much. Then again, I’ve written 25,000 of those words in the last five days. Imagine if I did that every day! Okay, to do that every day I’d have to not have…
Author: mizkit
Tired me. 5100 words today, and if a fit of genius overcomes me later I’ll write a little more, but for now I’m going to step away from the keyboard and get a drink of water and make some frosting for the brownies. :) 50K in 30 days: 52,143 (YAH!!!) ytd wordcount: 75,410
against all odds!
Against all odds, I got writing done today after all, more than 2300 words. I also edited chapters 1-18 of HoS, for which I will give myself 1000 or so words of credit on my YTD count. 50K in 30 days: 47,030 ytd wordcount: 70,300
more with the ow
More with the ow. I’m sort of terrified to go to the chiro again tomorrow for fear he won’t improve this at all, but man. At least I got some decent sleep last night. That’s something. Of course, I feel like I could sleep another six hours, if it weren’t for the ‘every time I want to move I have to wake up entirely’ factor. Very little brain. Off to do with it what I can.
MOOSE! (first 3 pictures. Mama moose came to lie down next to our deck tonight!)