out of words!

Out of words for the day. Clocking in at 6215, which is quite a few. 50K in 30 days: 44,701 ytd wordcount: 66,900 music: Young Dubliners, Absolutely


Completely suckful night. Didn’t really get to sleep until well after 12:30, despite going to bed around 11:15, and slept very badly once I /did/ get to sleep. Not being able to roll over — which I literally can’t right now — doesn’t make for a lot of instant comfort. And even more suckfully, the chiropractor’s not open again until Friday, so I get to have a headache and a hideously stiff neck for the next two days, barring some sort of unlikely release. I discovered last night that I…

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ow. shoulder/neck really hurting. ow ow ow. Went to see Daredevil again tonight with Jai. There’s a scene after some of the credits that I hadn’t seen! And we admired Ben Affleck in red leather a lot. :) Lotsa fun! And amazingly, it stood up to 3 viewings in a week. ‘course, the company was good, but that’s still pretty cool! And, of course, the X2 trailer still rocks my world. Writing: cat exploded, kerblewy! 5532 words today. Yay! Tired and in pain now. Going to bed. 50K in 30…

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holy shit

Holy shit. Anna G at Tor just asked for the complete manuscript for Heart of Stone, and for synopses for the following two books in the trilogy. Holy *shit*!


Damn, Anna! You go, girl!