water ears! water ears!

My ears are entirely full of water. Well, perhaps not entirely, but definetely full. *gloosh* I swam 1800 yards this morning, which was extremely nice, and if I’d gotten to the pool earlier I’d probably have done closer to 3K, but, well, I didn’t. :) It was a nice swim! I have many thinks to do today. I hafta do laundry, vacuum, write, go to the framing shop, go to the post office, aaaaaaaaand it seems like I’m missing something, but even so, that’s several things right there. And I…

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fit of fitfullness

Well! In a fit of fitfullness, inspired pretty much entirely by Patch, I redid my art page entirely. I put it in Gallery, so there are thumbnails and little comments of my own, and it’s now possible to make comments, should people wish to do so. I’ve got stuff up that I’ve never had posted before, although if I’m going to be — well, hardly completionist, because too much of my stuff isn’t good enough to scan, but if I’m going to be at least thorough, I’ve got more scanning…

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william gibson

I’m going to have to read some more William Gibson, if for no other reason than his blog is insanely enjoyable. I’m stuck in my computer chair. Zilli has fitted himself between my shoulders and the back of the chair — well, now he’s slid down to sort of my mid-back — and I’m a terrible sucker. Actually, now I’ve spent so much time taking pictures and uploading them that he’s gone away, so I can go get something to eat. What a relief! :)


Whew! Busy day! Well, for some value of busy, anyway. *laugh* Breic has his own little blog now, which Deirdre will update when the mood strikes her. I’ll be posting Breicpictures /there/ instead of /here/. Well. I’ll probably mention it here, too, but I’m going to put a gallery up over there full of Breicpics. Also, my friend Patch now has an art gallery up. I’m starting to be the queen of subdomains, here!

er, sort of brainless

Sort of brainless today. Trying to hash out the setting for The Seven and the Nine with Sarah, who has already had a couple of cool wicked ideas. Hungry. Hm. Must do something about food. Gah, no brain. Trip, did you suck out my brain and have it for a snack? *suspicious look*