An excellent day today, despite, or perhaps because of, not getting up until 10. I read two books which I hadn’t read since the 80s and to my delight, they were as good as they were back then. (The books in question are The Unicorn Quest and The Unicorn Dilemma, which are part of the Unicorn Saga, by John Lee; I found the 5th book in the series, which I hadn’t known existed, at Title Wave about a year or 18 months ago, gawped, said, “I don’t have this book!”…
Author: mizkit
So I’m sitting here with clogged up ears and trying to get them to clear, and it reminded me of when we went to California when I was 12. On the plane trip on the way down, my ears popped, and for three weeks they wouldn’t clear, and I couldn’t hear for beans. Drove my mom absolutely insane. She thought I was just being a jerk, because every time somebody would say something, I’d say, “What?” She must’ve cleared about six pounds of earwax out of my ears, because every…
know what
Know what I’d like for Christmas? Ice skates. Ice skates that fit my fat feet. I should tell somebody in my family that. :)
how peculiar
How peculiar. Email in my inbox from Steven Brust and Patrick Nielsen Hayden inside the same thirty days. Granted, because I emailed them both on different topics, but none the less, very peculiar. I emailed PNH because I started reading this copy of Amnesia Moon that Trent sent me. I got to page 24, and the book started over. I mean, entirely. Title page, dedication page, copyright page, everything exactly replicated except for the author’s signature on the main title page. When it reached page 24 again, the next page…
better. not well.
Better today. Not well, but better. I’ve managed to lose three pounds. Heh. o.o Sadly, one of the lights in the office is out, and I’m afraid if I try to change the light I’ll get dizzy and fall over, so I’m sort of sitting around in the semi-dark (I actually turned the overhead off and turned Ted’s florescent desk lamp on; now it’s buzzing, sigh). I need to go downstairs and get 1. food, 2. aspirin, 3. water. I’m feeling very much as if I don’t write things down…