good morning

A good morning so far. I got 600ish words written before the boys got up (I also fed the dog, filled her peanutbutterball, and changed the kitty litter as procrastinatory measures) and Sarah’s just edited the next US chapter for me. In a couple minutes I have to go back to the salt mines and get another 1100 words (or more) written on LG, but for this moment, I’m coasting and happy. All is well with the world!


Oooooooookaaaaaaaaaay, I failed my work on Kitlings roll, but I did edit 5 more chapters of US. This is partly because they’d already been rewritten and didn’t need much work (or I didn’t think so, anyway), but now they’ve been sent to Sarah for fine-tooth-combing. I believe that the next chapter may be the one where I have to actually start rewriting and really editing, but if I do one a day, I should be done by Thanksgiving… which is late this year. I should be done around the 22nd.…

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and I have written

And I have written. 2100ish words on Leader Green, an edit on a US chapter; I should work on Kitlings, now. I was re-reading Urban Shaman, and one bit made me bark/snort/laugh out loud. Shaun was like, “What? What?” and Ted said, “She’s reading her own writing.” *giggle* Ahem. :) Y’know, at the *very* least, I need to save the Kitling story to disk so I can put it on Little so I *can* work on it away from the desktop. *zums to do that*


Nobody’s even updating their weblogs today, leaving me to actually work and write. How dull.


I’ve reconsidered how I’m going to handle Nanowrimo. I’ve decided instead of trying to do huge blorts on the weekends, what I’m going to do is rewrite a chapter of US a day, and then if there’s any writing brain left over, I’ll work on the Nanowrimo novel. If it doesn’t get done, it doesn’t get done, although really, 1700wpd shouldn’t be that rough. I think. :)