I don’t even want to talk about the dog smells this morning.
Author: mizkit
Stinky puppy. Stinky puppy with the runs, apparently, and I don’t know if it’s the food she’s eating or if she’s “cleaning up” her dog run by eating her poop. Stinky digging puppy who is filthy filthy filthy and who tromps dirt from our formerly beautiful back lawn all over the house. I’ve managed to smash both my elbows on things today. This has not been a great morning.
I have successfully procrastinated a *lot*! The kitchen’s entirely clean, there are two more pieces of artwork up, the laundry’s been folded and put away except that which is still being washed, and, er. I’ve written 500 words. And even now, I procrastinate like mad, writing a blog entry instead of writing a story! I did fail my make-bread-instead-of-write procrastination roll, because I looked at the make-bread-by-hand receipe and it seemed too late in the day to start all that work, particularly since Ted’s going to want to cook dinner…
2600 words to the good (and hopefully at least some of them are good words) on the O’Leary’s story. Going to bed now; will write more (a whole frelling lot more, I hope) tomorrow.
sad day
My mom called this afternoon to tell me that David Forbes died of a heart attack today. This will not mean anything to most of the world, but Mr. Forbes was the man I always figured would be my substitute dad if anything ever happened to my parents. The Forbes’ were my parents’ best friends down in Kenai, and we lived next door to them for a significant chunk of my life. Liam, the oldest Forbes kid, is fifteen months older than me but I always sort of thought of…