Eee! Eee! Trip’s hat!
Author: mizkit
oh yeah!
Oh yeah! I forgot to mention! coTangent finished hiking the Pacific Coast Trail today! I’m so stunningly impressed and envious I wouldn’t even know where to begin. *Congratulations* to coT!
Healed! The chiro says I’m healed! I am not to go for a run. O.O Dr. Woody said not to tell him if I did, and I said oh, he’d know, and he said, yeah, because I’d come in with a lump on my head from where Ted smacked me. :) Anyway, he had me do several evaluation exercise and I could DO THEM ALL! Without it hurting! I was very pleased! Dr. Woody was very pleased! He said he’s been thinking about starting a circuit training thing a couple…
oh dear god what a very very muddy muddy *muddy* wet puppy
I’m back!
I’m back! I’m back! The house is coming together! Well. Uhm. Which is to say, the kitchen is pretty much unpacked although it ended up a disaster again yesterday, the living room is more or less unpacked *and* there’s artwork up, and I kept trying to unpack the bedroom last night and I kept opening boxes and looking at what was in them and thinking, “Well, *this* doesn’t make any sense,” and trying to find boxes that did. Things that need to be changed about the house: 1. The bathrooms…