go me!

Go me! I went to the doctor and got a prescription for Allegra, so there will be no allergy doom for thirty days! Go me! Of course, I forgot that the cable people were supposed to come by and figure out what was wrong with our cable, so I missed them. However, I called back and a nice lady said she’d try to get me an appointment set up and that she’d call me back. Nice lady! The people at GCI have invariably been very very nice to me. Goooooood…

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more ow

Ow. My neck and shoulder on the right side are all seized up. This happened yesterday, but I thought I’d give it a day to see if it relaxed on its own. It has not. I called the chiro for an extra appointment. :P Pain sucks. :P I need to call a regular doctor and get an allegra prescription, too. And I need to go lock the puppy up, I expect, or see if I can convince her to come downstairs and behave, but my stupid shoulder is too screwed…

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annoying thing

So the amazingly annoying thing about the comic shop here is that if you get a pull box, your comics generally aren’t ready until close to closing or the next day, rather than being available when you go in after work on Wednesdays. This is sort of defeating most of the point of the pull box, in my opinion. Feh. OTOH, I now have all the whipping cream in the world. Pudding tonight, cake tomorrow. Woot!


Ow. I don’t think I moved all night; I have a vurry stiff neck this morning. :P No fun at all. I’m trying to keep Chantico downstairs with me so she doesn’t have to be locked up all day long. I brought her blanket and a big bone and a little rawhide swizzle stick and a rope down, and *mostly* it’s going okay. She just lay down to wrestle with her bone and stuck her entire tail in her water bowl. :) She has stretches of being distracted by the…

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This is all Angie’s fault: