*whimper* My back really, really hurts. I knew it hurt, but it wasn’t until Ted came home for lunch and I had to face Chantico (who had peed on the kitchen floor despite being out for twenty minutes at a time twice in the last two hours, :( ) that I realized that it hurt so much I was exhausted. And now I just feel like curling up in a pit and whimpering. :(
Author: mizkit
yay us
We’re no longer in default on any of our student loans. *does a little dance* The new payments on Ted’s loan are a little higher than I hoped (like, $5 more than I hoped), but, well, we can handle $5. :) Yay us. :)
a nice weekend
It was a nice weekend. It was absolutely *beautiful* today, and Ted and I drove out to near Girdwood and biked the 6 mile old road (now a bike path) from Bird Point down to Girdwood, and then back again. It was a very nice ride. And we went shopping and went out to dinner and took a nap; I don’t remember the last time we spent a whole actual *day* together. It was really really nice. I forgot to tell the story about the car that stalled the other…
The morning so far: Chanti made a horrible, horrible mess of the kitchen last night. I cleaned up a lot of it this morning and then Ted finished, and mopped. She’d been outside several times, but she didn’t seem to want to go to the bathroom. Ted came in with her and said, “If you pee in the kitchen now, I’m going to beat you within an inch of your life.” So she peed on the carpet in the corner of the living room. In about 90 minutes, I’m going…
I wonder if 3:30 is a nice time to bail from work early and go bike riding. I think it is. Later.