I had a scientologist come knock on the door last night. I’d never had a scientologist knock on the door. He tried to give me a book on Dianetics, and then a newsletter when I wouldn’t take the book, and I said no, I wouldn’t read either of them, and he said, “Well, at least you’re saving us money,” which I thought was very scientologish of him. o.o
Author: mizkit
puff up! puff up!
Puff up! Puff up! I have just fixed all the bugs with my name on them! Wow. I’m impressed with me! This is a _good_ thing to have done, particularly since there are a bunch of major projects coming down the road and not having to worry about malingering bugs is nice! Woo me! *beam*
Oops. I found Annie. She wasn’t hiding. She was stuck. :) Shaun had accidentally closed her in his room. :) Now she and Chanti are having dominance issues under my feet. Poor Annie’s got her tail utterly tucked between her legs. As Dad said, the only time he’s seen it more tucked is when she’s getting a bath. Poor, *poor* Annie.
jeez o flip
Jeez o flip, man. Woke up at about 4:45 for fear of oversleeping and lay fitfully in bed another 45 minutes or so and got up right at 5:30. Ted walked Chantico, I walked Annie (who is now hiding somewhere, the poor dog), we went and got my parents, I went to the gym . . . . . . and it was closed. Again. Or rather, it was not open yet. Staffing problems. *grr* I will call them in a couple of hours and go wtf at them. So…
well, shit
Well, shit. My parents won’t be back until the 13th, which pretty much blows the shit out of biking *next* weekend, too, for the same reasons. Meanwhile, we now have two dogs, one of whom doesn’t like children of any kind and the other of whom has diarrhea, however that’s spelled. They’re both wimps and are having sort of dominance wars which are running something like this: Chantico: *leap leap bound* (translation: Play with me! Play with me!) Annie: *high-pitched yelp* (translation: For the love of God, DON’T HURT ME!)…