Well, shit. So much for her being a good dog.
Author: mizkit
chipper me!
I went to the gym this morning and I’m in an amazingly good mood, all chipper and happy, despite officially being a lardass. Tomorrow I’m going to go on a 3 day system purge and eat fruit and drink juice and water for three days (or alternately for as long as I can stand it, but not more than three days) and then I’m going to really truly start watching what I eat, because I am tired of having a fat little convex tummy and I want a sleek little…
note to self
Note to self: distracting Chantico from what she’s chewing on by inserting my foot between it and her is a good way to make her think my foot is the new thing to chew on.
argh, guitar
Argh. I went upstairs to make lunch and stopped to practice my chords on my guitar, and I’ve been trying to hold the thing the way I’m supposed to, as a right-hander, but it just feels *wrong*. I flipped it upside-down to see if I could do it more easily the other way — which is, when I was trying to teach myself last fall, how I held the guitar — and voila, my wrist was in the right place, I could hold it properly, it worked for me. Except…
soooo tired
Sooooo tired. Got up for a while this morning and then actually went back to bed. Woulda stayed there a lot longer, too, except I had a meeting at 9. *yawn* We need more chew toys for the puppy. She is very chewy. Plus I think she got visibly taller last night while we were playing with her. o.o She chewed apart one of her pee pads (a clean one) this morning. I have to clean it up. It’s strewn all over the office. I amused the hell out of…