Lovely. Just freaking lovely. I have finally taken a look at the bus schedules. Would you like to know what they look like? Like this: The bus I would want to get on near the gym (#4) arrives there at approximately 7:44. The bus I would want to transfer to in order to get near my *home* (#36) gets to the transfer point that Bus #1 gets to at approximately 8:12. It’s about a 5 minute drive from the stop I’d get on to the transfer point. Assuming (which is…
Author: mizkit
My coworkers have all commented on how damned many bugs I fixed this weekend. “We’re not *nearly* as far behind today as I thought we were going to be,” one of them said. *snerk* Lunch, and then more bug slaying. Do I know how to have fun, or what?
This is *such* a *great* *suit*! *kicks feet* I WANT one! Maybe when I’m thinner and have my corset, not that the suit requires a corset, but the corset requires being thinner… I’m going to start swimming again tomorrow (which is sort of apropos of nothing, despite how it may look). If I swam an average of 3000 yards 5 days a week for the next eleven weeks or so, I could swim about a hundred and thirty-six miles by my birthday! Ahem. Tomorrow my gym membership kicks in (ok,…
oh yah
I forgot to mention that we went to The Time Machine the other day. It was better than I expected it to be, which is kinda damning with faint praise, because I expected it to be very bad. But it was better than that. :)
iditarod dream
I had a dream the other night that I was running (well, mushing) the Iditarod, and in fact, I was winning. I was less than a day’s ride out from Nome, and suddenly I realized I hadn’t taken my mandatory 24 hour rest. It was quite awful! I had to sit around nervously and wait for people to catch up to me while I took my rest! Before I was able to leave, at least two teams had caught up to me. Sniiiiif! I fixed 46 bugs last night in…