
Oops. Anybody ever put a third as much liquid into a cake mix as was supposed to go? No? Me either. I’ll let you know what happens.

cash flow reality check

Cash flow reality check; upon balancing the checkbook, it is fairly clear that we can’t afford this month for me to pay $70/m to swim with the Masters’ club. I managed for January to get my act together and swim pretty regularly at UAA; I’ll just have to do it again. And maybe I can get ice skates next winter, or something. It’s amazing how easy it is to spend too much money.

oh yeah

Oh yeah, art class last night. I think I’m sort of ambivilent about the art class I’m taking. It’s a beginning drawing class, but what it’s seemed to me to be is an overview of different styles, without any real focus on how to do it for more than 90 minutes or 2 hours. Last night we did pen and ink drawings and ink washes. Now, I like ink drawings; one of my favorite of my drawings that I did before I stopped drawing was done in ink, but that…

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The other reason I was later getting in this morning is because I came down the stairs to the landing at, oh, I don’t know, ten after eight? Eight twenty? And pulled up the shade and discovered a gorgeous sunrise going on over the mountains. And so I stayed there, and watched the whole thing. There was a bowl created by the mountains, and the sky above it started out hot pink and gold, and gradually faded to a volcano’s glow cupped by the bowl, only a hundred shades paler…

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I woulda…

I woulda been up earlier, but I had a very busy weekend this morning. I was on TOS Enterprise, with most of TOS crew and a goodly portion of TNG crew, including someone who appeared to be Worf’s son Alexander, except his forehead was made of white plaster. Solid. White. Bright white. Plaster. With all the Klingon bumps, but white. On a brown face. Very white. Did I mention the white? Anyway. We got stuck in a . . . black hole sort of thing, and many people seemed to…

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