The ice cream is yummy. :)
Author: mizkit
slaves in the family
So Mom’s been researching the Lee geneology, and we’re reasonably certain that we have a Richard Lee born in 1783 in North Carolina who is Ted’s great-to-the-Nth-uncle or possibly grandfather. Sadly, from the 1850 census and before, they don’t ask for names of children in the house, just ages, so it makes it harder to track back. Still, it appears that Ted’s people have been in the States a Long Darned Time! There’s a Stanford Lee who fought on the *Northern* side of the Civil War who is probably Ted’s…
spoiled me!
Boy, am I spoiled. This morning I said to Ted, “What are you going to make me for breakfast?” And he said, “What do you want for breakfast?” And I said, “Waffles!” And so he got up and made me waffles! Aren’t I *spoiled*? *beam* I have the *best* husband. :)
Sarah is Taurus rising, not Leo. :)
My toffee turned out! Yaaaaay! However, now it’s too late to make ice cream, so I’ll hafta wait til tomorrow to do that. :)