Ack! It’s Feb. 1st. I told myself I would start writing again today. Ack!
Author: mizkit
site launch
AHealthyMe successfully relaunched this afternoon. I have fixed several zillion bugs in the last 48 hours. I think I will spend the last couple hours today fixing more bugs, but doing it on the Scan-A-Comic Reward System. But now I must froth MORE! Mary Anne ALSO went to a (different) BJ/EJ concert! I FROTH! I TWITCH! I SNIVEL WITH JEALOUSY! WAAAAAAAAAAAAH!
ARGH! ARGH! *ARGH*! *ARGH*! I FROTH with jealousy! I *FROTH*. *FROTH FROTH*! My friend Lance has the BEST GIRLFRIEND IN THE WORLD and she got tickets to a Billy Joel/Elton John concert and they went last night and I’m SO JEALOUS! ARGH! *FROTH*! ARGH! AAARGH! *FROTH*! *falls down and kicks feet* SO JEALOUS! *FROTH* *splutter*! *froth*! In other news, as a reward for fixing bugs last night, I scanned in a comic’s worth of scans for every bug I fixed, and consequently I have about twenty-five new Gambit scans. I…
More bugs showed up, of course. Not /too/ many, but enough. Sigh. And it’s so much more fun to work on the Gambit site than on work….
I had a From Light to Darkness dream last night. Now, for those of you who don’t know what FLtD is, let me summarize by saying it’s a LARP (live-action role-play) game that COMPLETELY sucks the brains of the players. It plays about every 6 weeks or so, and renders everyone involved into mindless FLtD drones. Apparently it’s pretty fun. But I don’t play it! And yet, and yet, I had a DREAM about it! About Flit and Sarah’s characters. It was a very brief dream, in which Flit’s character…