highlander on the mind

Apparently I’ve got Highlander on the mind. Last week MedievalPOC caused me to write a fic (I’ll post it after I’ve retrieved the third that I was working on when the tablet battery died), last night I got into this big discussion about Methos over on FB with a friend, which caused me to point out IMMORTAL BELOVED to her, and to wist about someday being able to write my other two Methos novels (which, unless Davis/Panzer opens Highlander up to Kindle Worlds, is not something I can ever see…

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visiting a foreign country

We’re in America (in Upper Peninsula Michigan, which is full of motels that look like the Winchesters would stay there. We concluded, however, that they would probably be smart enough to avoid the nearby one called ‘Sleepy Hollow’.), and I left my tablet charger at home, so I’ve been offline since it ran out of battery. Oops. American food seems to all be either very salty or very sweet. Also I have not been here enough since Obama’s election to get used to the fact that commercials now much more…

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Recent Reads/GGK Book Club: A Song for Arbonne

I just finished A SONG FOR ARBONNE, which was May’s GGK Book Club book. (I’m working on catching up! I bet I’ll be almost caught up by the end of the year! :)) I’ve been kind of interested in re-reading SONG, because I’ve only read it once and it didn’t, er, sing to me, as it were. It’s the one GGK book I’ve never had any particular interest *in* re-reading, which, in the end, caused me to be interested in re-reading it. I was wondering if it was my callow…

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5 things make a post

Thing One: Val is working hard on the GEMMA FADE pages, and gave me permission to post a teaser page. :) I tell you, sending a script out and getting drawings back is one of the niftiest things EVER. :) Thing Two: A link to some fudge. Just in case you need some. :) Thing Three: The STONE’S THROE copy edits have been delivered! Soon! SOOOOOOOOOOON! a pulp fiction novel by yours truly will be available to readers everywhere! :) Thing Four: This is a truly terrific fanvid to Nicki…

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sunday morning floods

So there was Young Indiana in the shower and there was me at the other end of the bathroom checking FB and stuff and suddenly I realize that although I’ve been telling him not to block the drain there’s water slopping over the edge of the shower and that the entire kitchen below is flooding. Of course I start bellowing, “Ted! TED!” because I don’t even know why and I’m running downstairs and shouting, “TED!” and he leaps out of bed and I make Indy bring towels downstairs and show…

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