tv finales post

1. Agents of SHIELD done good. That final shot! ♥ Glad they’re renewed. 2. The Tomorrow People did exactly what I thought they shouldn’t at the *very end*, and totally lost me. Up until 2 minutes before the credits rolled I was willing to forgive some of the rampant stupidities and was hoping there’d be a second season, now I don’t care, so it’s fine with me that they’re not renewed. 3. Arrow: Oh, that was a really nice hand-off to season 3. Slightly more detail, with spoilers, behind the…

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Picoreview: Escape Plan

Picoreview: Escape Plan: Surprisingly…I’m not sure ‘good’ is the right word, but surprisingly entertaining. I really didn’t know what to expect from a Schwarzenegger/Stallone movie, but I pretty well expected it to be awful. Instead it was solidly entertaining, and I gotta admit, Schwarzenegger just *oozed* charisma, to the point that a couple of times I was just kinda like “…*damn*, mister!” Stallone not so much, although he and Arnie played off each other nicely. There are–well, there was one surprise in the plot, rather than no surprises, which was…

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Shaman Rises teaser chapter!

Wow, it’s only about 6 weeks until SHAMAN RISES comes out! Here! Have the first chapter! (…but read NO DOMINION first! You can get it at Amazon, at Audible, and at B&N. :))

gardening & not-baking

Young Indiana inspects our potatoes, which are growing like gangbusters. I thought the idea of putting them near holes in the container was that the tops would grow that way, but apparently the whole thing is shallow enough that both layers of potatoes are just reaching for the top. Gangbusters! Several of our strawberry plants didn’t take and I haven’t gone to get more, but two are looking healthy, and our lettuce is growing nicely! In fact, all of that has now been clipped back and will shortly be part…

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speaking of reading

Not that I was actually speaking of it, but I have faint ambitions of actually re-reading TIGANA this month (technically it was April’s book and I should be reading A SONG FOR ARBONNE this month, but, er, it didn’t work that way :)) just in case anybody wants to do my lurching read-along on that book. Ted just finished reading Marion G Harmon‘s Wearing the Cape series, which he’s enjoyed very much, so I gotta put those on my reading list. Which I should update, to keep me honest. Although…

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