Shaman Rises cover reveal!

I thought I’d start the new year off right, with a cover reveal for SHAMAN RISES, the final book of the Walker Papers! Would you like to know all the reasons this cover is terrific? Let me tell you all the reasons it’s perfect! First: the colors. My publisher’s always been very good about discussing colors with me, and I very much wanted the final book in the series to have a light, bright look in direct and deliberate contrast to the first book’s cover. So what do I get?…

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Kitsnaps: Rhinos

Rhinos: the January picture for the 2014 CE Murphy photographic calendar. I was ridiculously pleased when I saw this printed out. I was afraid all the shades of grey would just blend and be blah, but they turned out beautifully crisp and defined!

Recent Reads: A Stranger at Green Knowe

I admit that I have stayed up slightly too late tonight so I could add one more book onto my “books read in 2013” list, which I believe has capped out at about 65 books. Not quite as good as last year, when I think I managed around 75, but a lot better than my nadir of 15. @.@ *** I re-read all of the Green Knowe books repeatedly as a child, but reading them again as an adult has been a revelation. The descriptions and the ability to reveal…

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2014 Thinks To Do

Okay, so big plans for 2014 include: – rewatching the Ron Perlman/Linda Hamilton Beauty and the Beast as part of a year-long thing with Stephen Aryan and Liz de Jager. We might even have a weekly Discussion Blog about that week’s show. Anybody who wants to can join in! – (re)reading all the Guy Gavriel Kay novels, of which there are now 12, one a month in publication order, again with weekly discussion. We’ll be starting with THE SUMMER TREE in January, with a goal of reading 4 chapters a…

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my best(worst) critique ever

Back at the start of the century (!) I submitted a manuscript to a writing contest, which I finaled in and went to the conference the contest was associated with, because finalists got to meet an editor and I wanted a professional opinion on whether what I was doing was any good. Finalists also wore little ribbons saying they were finalists in their genre. The SF/F ones were yellow. A woman came up to me and said, “Oh! You’re a SF&F finalist! Were you one of mine? I’m one of…

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