o noes!

o noes! Swan River Press has surpassed Last Days! O noes! (Actually, Brian’s doing an amazing job of promotion. I am agog and impressed!) Let’s see. Um. I had thoughts about thhings to blog, earlier today. they seem to have gone away. except I’ve become a convert to streaming TV, and we just watched the first episode of Jericho, which I’ve been meaning to watch for approximately ever. Five minutes in we’re like OMG IT’S ALEC FROM CONTINUUM! and Ted was all, “Thank God! Now we know how he fits…

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busy busy

First, I had better say go vote for The Last Days of Ancient Sunlight before Swan River Press totally kicks my ass. :) Second, I, who can go years without a business call, had TWO today. One was with my editor for revisions on SHAMAN RISES (which she really likes except the one part that totally doesn’t work, and which I cannot give to my brainstorming filter because I’m not bloody spoiling the last book after this long! We think we have it sorted now, but we’ll see.) and the…

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Picoreview: Continuum, Series 1

Picoreview: Continuum, Series 1: Really, really enjoyed it. We blew through it in less than a week (it’s only 10 episodes) and would have managed it all in a weekend if I hadn’t had a date last Saturday evening. :) Major spoilers behind the cut.

first place!

I believe The Last Days of Ancient Sunlight may have just shot into first place in the arts category on the Guinness site, with just under 500 votes now. o.o In the meantime, the Swan River Press project thinks it’s going to catch up to me, but I will generously allow him a second place, er, placement. :) I have gotten my inbox down to under 80 emails, nearly every one of which is work-related. I’m not kidding myself: the new Gmail tabs have helped with this, as there are…

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Happy Anniversary!

It is, as near as I can tell, 20 years today that I met my friend, RP partner, and cowriter Sarah EkstromPalmero (one of the good things about old friends is you get to keep using their maiden names decades after they’ve changed :)) I can actually pin this down to a day because I started playing TwoMoonsMUSH, the online text-based role play game based on ElfQuest, *immediately* after I got back from my first visit to Ireland. Sarah was one of the very first people I met. She was…

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