Cedars. Probably. I don’t know, I didn’t ask anybody, but they’re big and look cedar-colored to me. :) This could very nearly be one of my Road Home series, which…which I see I have posted none of. Well, I’ll tag this as a Road Home series and when I’ve got several posted I’ll link to the tag. The Road Home is about the only other thing besides the godslight that I think of as having a series of, though probably the crosses count as well, now that I’m actually thinking…
Author: mizkit
& that’s a wrap
Aaaaaaaaaand that’s a wrap: SHAMAN RISES went off to my editor yesterday afternoon, and now it’s all over but the revisions. I have one book left under contract and then I’m unemployed. :) I vacillate between relief and panic on that topic, of course. It does rather help knowing that if push comes to shove, I expect I could run a Kickstarter (perhaps for the 3rd Inheritors’ Cycle book) to cover my bases for a while. In the meantime, however, I do have a number of projects lined up–3 short…
Kitsnaps: Glasnevin Cemetery
I like this one because I kinda feel like it could’ve been taken any time in the past century. What I *can’t* decide is if I like it better in black and white or sepia, so the sepia version is behind the cut so you can have an opinion. :)
already confused
I got up this morning convinced it was Tuesday. That’s just not a great way to start the week. We were halfway through our morning ablutions before I realized all my plans for the day were based on activities that weren’t going to happen because it was only Monday. Agh. I got a new phone. It has the same number as the last one, so if you think I should have your phone number, send me a text with your name in it so I know who you are. :)…
Kitsnaps: O’Connell Monument
This is going to be Glasnevin Cemetery week at Kitsnaps. I would vastly prefer to mix it up, but given that I *am* running low on the pre-sorted stuff, I thought that giving myself a week to work up a bunch of new pictures for posting might be clever. (Actually, I’ve loads prepped, but they’re on a different hard drive and Reasons, you know, Reasons.) So this week will all be from my photo shoot in the snow a couple weeks back. :) This is the Daniel O’Connell monument in…