Castle Ross Boats

Kitsnaps: Castle Ross Boats

I’m pretty certain Castle Ross is down in the Killarney area, though I could be wrong and it could be up by Shannon. No, I’m right, I’ve just checked and it is Killarney. Also apparently it’s Ross Castle, not Castle Ross. Oops. :) Anyway, I believe this is one of the restored castles (well, not *this*, this is obviously boats outside of it) and that it was super cool to visit. I also believe I had the camera accidentally set to manual focus for most of this holiday and that…

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the essential kit


We’re back from EasterCon, which was an excellent mix of meeting up with old friends and making new ones. My most excellent writer friends Kari Sperring and Juliet E. McKenna were instrumental in this year’s EasterCon, so I’m particularly happy that it was this year I finally got to *go*. All the other committee members I met were also wonderful people, and they did an absolutely fantastic job putting together a magnificently diverse and interesting program. The past few years EasterCon’s had a commitment to gender parity on the panels,…

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Kitsnaps: Footsteps

I feel that, what with it being April Fool’s Day, that I ought to have some kind of funny picture to post here today. But I don’t, so this will have to do. Ted, taken on the beach at Cobh on a day of island-wandering.

Castle Key

Kitsnaps: Castle Key

I believe it’s Castle Key, and Lough Key, that the Fairy Bridge photograph was taken at, and where I wish to go again with the 40 & 50mm lenses to take pictures of the bluebells. :) Yes, yes it is. I just went and looked it up. This would be another place I’d want to recommend to tourists, or possibly just people with small children, as there’s a lot of ground to run around on here, and good stuff to play on, and also it’s preposterously beautiful. That castle is,…

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the essential kit

Recent Reads: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

I haven’t read this in decades. It still works. :) I was a little surprised at the fairy tale qualities that I didn’t remember from childhood, but even so, they were less Fairy-Tale-Weird than most, er, non-invented? fairy tales. I mean, fairy tales make no sense at all in terms of “Oh hey, a glass mountain, oh look, a magic flying saddle appears to help me climb it!” Right, but, er, why did the magic flying saddle appear at all? Where did it come from? This makes slightly more sense…

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