Stormcloud sunset


It’s snowing. In Dublin. On the 26th of March. Good thing there’s no such thing as climate change. SPEAKING OF WHICH. Well, not really, but kind of: In one of the Laura Ingalls Wilder books, probably THE LONG WINTER, there’s a scene where Laura is bundled up in bed and she describes the level of bundling to be sufficient that only her nose pokes out so she can breathe fresh air. I’ve spent most of my life (not, you know, constantly, but) trying to accomplish that particular bundle. The closest…

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Kitsnaps: Fabulous!

I just love the color of this one. Fabulous!

the essential kit


Author Kait Nolan wrote a blog about Kickstarters and platforms (featuring me!), which caused me to go have a look at the most successful fiction Kickstarters. NO DOMINION’s still in the top 15, which surprised and delighted me. DINOPOCALYPSE NOW, which I’ll be writing a book for next month, is still in the top 5. (And Tim Pratt’s latest Marla Mason novel is also in the top 20! Yay!) The whole thing made me kinda want to run another Kickstarter. Kinda. :) I’m not going to (despite somebody asking for…

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the essential kit

English V. English: Fight!

*laughs* So this morning I was writing and had a moment of Irish English vs. American English struggle, and commented on Twitter: I swear, the Irish phrasings that slip in. “At the weekend.” Americans don’t say that. I catch most of them while typing, but I swear. It’s caused a great stir on Twitter. *laughs* Irish and British people are going, “Er, what else would you say?” and are clutching their poor heads and wailing at my explanation of “on the weekend.” It’s the little stuff, I tell you. It’s…

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