The other day–several days ago now, on a brief shining moment of sunlight which has not been seen again, sigh–I got a look at the amount of white on my scalp. I actually have an *excellent* natural Rogue streak going on. Unfortunately, it’s the stripe of hair that falls down over my ears, rather than being at the front or even at the temples, classic Rogue style. I muttered something about this on FB–I don’t mind the white, but couldn’t it at least come in at the front, too, so…
Author: mizkit
the greatest hero
I usually pick up Total Film and Empire, because I like movie industry articles, and this month’s TF had a 100 Greatest Villains & Heroes thing. Fifty of each. And on the exceedingly unlikely chance anybody cares that much, I’m going to put the reveals behind a cut, because I don’t want to spoil anything for anybody.
Kitsnaps: Swans
I took this last week with the new telephoto lens. That said, I was about 15 inches away from the swan in the foreground when I took it, so it wasn’t exactly a situation where I needed the telephoto, and I rather wish that for this *particular* shot I’d had the 50mm or even the wide-angle. But I didn’t, and I like the picture anyway. :)
Let’s see.
I feel like I should be blogging on big important topics and having meaningful conversations, as many of my friends are doing. The reality, however (as I told someone yesterday when he asked my opinion on a recent tempest in a teacup), is that I lack the time and energy to devote to the big important topics and meaningful conversations that some of my other friends are pursuing. I’m going to just have to go with that, and trust that my half-assed book and movie reviews will be sufficient until…
Kitsnaps: Godslight in Athy
Two things I love: seeing rain fall in the distance, and watching sunlight burst through clouds. I’ve never taken pictures of the former, but I have enough of the latter to constitute a (small) series. :)