I was obliged to go buy a couple more pinup girl dresses today, due to having a gift certificate that was about to expire. Now I have something to wear to EasterCon. I’ll have to do something about my hair, I expect, but yay fun clothes! :) I am even at this very moment failing to watch new Castle. *sigh* I’ve been remembering all week that the first new episode was on tonight, and at the critical moment, I forgot. Woe. We’re recording it when it re-airs tomorrow night, but…
Author: mizkit
Picoreview: Die Hard 5
Picoreview: Die Hard 5: ugh. I mean, on one hand, yes, it was a Die Hard movie, what do you expect. But on the other hand, mild spoilers behind the cut.
Kitsnaps: Foggy Angel
There’s not much like a foggy morning for shooting graveyards, and while we lived in Cobh I kept a keen eye to the weather for purposes of dashing down to the graveyard should a sufficiently foggy morning arise. One did. :) We’ve a graveyard nearby here, the Glasnevin Cemetery, that I want to go shoot sometime, but it’s so flipping huge I’ve been intimidated. Someday I’ll go do it, though. :)
thinks to do
– call the eastercon hotel & throw myself on their mercy – get eastercon plane tickets – pack up books to send – go to post office – put in grocery order – go to retro – remember the other hundred jillion thinks i need to do
Kitsnaps: Nom Nom Nom
I love tortoises and turtles. They’re one of the many things I have gained affection for purely through literature. In this particular case, my affection was borne of reading Terry Pratchett’s SMALL GODS on one of the flights around America in 1996 while going to meet my net friends. I had run out of reading material and bought SMALL GODS in desperation, not because I thought it would be good, but because I had read several earlier Pratchett novels, loathed them all universally, and figured that at least I knew…