Sort of, anyway. Every once in a while* I must remind myself that I do not have to do All The Things All The Time. And sometimes I must say No Stop Don’t Take On Any More Projects, Because Otherwise Your Head Will Explode. So in a momentary fit of sanity prevailing, I declare myself full-up of projects for the next 18 months. Not taking any new ones on**. This does not, of course, include projects on proposal which may sell, or the ones you guys don’t yet know about,…
Author: mizkit
small world
Ted, whose employer is a company that contracts tech support for Microsoft, just met the global head of customer experience for Microsoft, who is from Kenai and graduated the year before I did. Cue the song. :)
Let Them Eat Cake Redux
Dear Persons Who Have Been Following The Cake Saga And Want To Know When I Will Make You One: Come to Eurocon 2014 in Dublin and I will. August 22-24, the weekend after London’s Worldcon. Seriously, you cannot possibly get a better deal than this: 10 days of fandom, PLUS CAKE. Love, Me
Let them eat cake!
I brought a cake to the butcher today, as promised a few months ago. :) Luckily for me, the man who’d asked for it originally was there, and I said if he didn’t mind, I needed a moment of his time. He said “You’ve my full attention!” So I said to him that a few months ago I’d been in and had bought some small eggs rather than large, and he’d been giving me a hard time about it, but I’d said I preferred the smaller ones for baking, which…
Well, I’ve just sent NO DOMINION and a bunch of Walker Papers short stories as a submission package to my editor at Luna. I have absolutely no idea if they’ll accept it, and will have no hard feelings if not–Luna does not, as a matter of course, publish short story collections–but I’m willing to give it a shot. And if they do not, please do not fear: I will find some other way to make the stories available to people who didn’t get a chance to participate in the Kickstarter.…