If you’re just here for the links, here you go: amazon (affiliate link) || barnes & noble || apple || kobo If you’re here for incoherent squealing on the part of the author, JUST LOOK AT THIS COVER ZOOOMMMMGGGGG!!@!!@!@!E I wrote this book several years ago, but felt it kind of slid under the radar because it was a commissioned tie-in work (you don’t need to know anything about the world it came from for it to work, though!), and one of the things I’ve wanted to do for ages…
Author: mizkit
An Open Letter to the Irish Government
Feel free to share and/or use/amend it for your own purposes. *** To the Irish Government: I have watched the ‘return to school’ plans develop over the past week with increasing horror and dismay and am now writing to ask you what the actual fuck the government thinks it’s doing. The HSE’s guidelines indicate a 2-meter, masked distance between individuals is the minimum safe requirement, and that participants in indoors events are to be limited. Evidence from the United States (see the Georgia overnight camp breakout) indicates that children are…
Kitsnacks: Pecan Pie (updated)
My husband is starting a new job on Tuesday (a promotion! Yay!), & upon hearing he was leaving, his coworkers offered the appropriate congratulations and speeches of woe, the latter of which included, “b..b..but…but…pecan pie…???” So I’m making them a pecan pie, & have finally perfected my process for the recipe I invented several years ago. It is as follows, although it should be noted that I tend to make deep-dish pies, and for your average 9″ pie this should probably be cut in half. Or you should make two.…
Writing Career: Running the Numbers
I’ve had A Thought, and tweeted about it some, and now I’m going to discuss it with you! My Thought was about how much transparency readers want. And…see, on one hand, writers feel like they’re talking about this stuff ALL THE TIME, and it’s information we all know, so it’s sort of hard to tell where the line between “I have told you this one thousand times and you are bored with it” and “this is completely new information to me!” lies. :) And then the other reason we’re never…
Picoreview Round-Up
A series of picoreviews for things I’ve watched on streaming lately: The Old Guard: Loved it. Want more. Fave bit: not the Romantic Speech scene, but its aftermath when it cuts back to them. Although the speech itself, and those characters, are wonderful. Solid movie, will watch again v. soon. Warrior Nun: The pacing of the first 3-4 episodes is *terrible*. I feel as if they expected 6 episodes & got 10 and had to Fill The Time. But it evened out, and by the end I definitely wanted more.…