Ted and I just got back from John Carter. I really, really wanted to like this movie, which means I went in with kind of grim expectations, particularly since I’ve only just recently read A PRINCESS OF MARS (which I did in part because I wanted to know just how badly they were about to slaughter a classic work of science fiction), and I have to say… …actually, I think they did the old man proud. There are *problems*, yes. There were a few things explained that aren’t explained in…
Author: mizkit
halfway done
When I’m finished with these, I’m going to ask the good people at Subterranean Press how many sheets there *actually* are, to cover for those mucked up in the print process, but I’ve theoretically signed my name 500 times now: My favorites are the ones like these, where the ink has suddenly splotched a lot more onto the paper than it was expected to. Most of them don’t dry attractively, sadly, but I like them anyway, ’cause you know it’s a real ink pen being used to sign ’em. :)…
signature sheets!
One down, 999 to go: These are the signature sheets for the limited edition Subterranean Press collection of Old Races stories, BABA YAGA’S DAUGHTER. You have no doubt already pre-ordered it, but if not that link there will offer you the opportunity to do so. :) BABA YAGA’S DAUGHTER collects three Old Races stories previously released into the wild–“From Russia, with Love”, “Five Card Draw”, and “Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight”, and offers up seven new tales that complete an arc of hidden stories within the Old Races…
redesign done
I believe I’ve now converted all the pages on CEMurphy.Net to WordPress, which means the redesign is more or less done. It’s not as done as I want it to be, of course, but if you’d like to go poke at it and see if you can find any pages that don’t match, that would be great. One thing I’d like feedback on–should I reinstate the right column Out Now material? The header banner covers it now, but that only brings up one item at a time, whereas the right…
There are two slightly older Irish gents in my back garden, wreaking order from chaos. This makes me indescribably happy. Ted and I don’t have the tools, time or inclination to do it or the front garden space up right, and these lovely men are doing all the work for an extremely reasonable price. Young Indiana is enthralled by their activities. So am I, actually. They’re so *quick*, and we’d be so *slow*. I didn’t have the presence of mind to take a before shot of the front garden, but…