Sudden random Kickstarter/crowdfunding question, not that I’m actually planning to do this, I’m just curious: Part of the hard thing about crowdfunding is figuring out how much you oughta ask for. I happen to believe in being pretty transparent about that sort of thing, hence my breakdown of why I was asking $4K for “No Dominion” (which really ought to be NO DOMINION now, but I can’t quite get over the quotes habit). And I’m watching the various price points set to Make It Go for other novellas, revisions projects,…
Author: mizkit
the week of lists
sorry for all the lists. it’s just that with this head cold if i don’t write every single thing i need to do down, i honestly can’t remember for more than a few seconds what it is that needs doing. i’ll have more content as soon as i can think again. on the plus side, down to 14 items, some of which are things i’ve accomplished but need to keep accomplishing, like going to bed early. really early. ted sent me to bed at 7:30 last night, that’s how pathetic…
Kickstarting & Other Good Stuff!
My since-forever-ago writing partner & dear friend SL Gray is running a Kickstarter! She’s tackling revisions of her fantasy novel THE DRAGON UNDONE, and I, for one, am eagerly looking forward to the new revised manuscript. Join me in helping make this project happen, so that we all might revel in the delight of new stories to read! I have also recently donated one of the newer Gryphon Beach stories to a fundraiser campaign for a little girl named Gwen whose move to a new school put her and her…
I had great plans for writing this month. They were going to be like this: “Get up Monday morning & start writing! Then write during nap time! And steal an hour after Ted comes home to write! Do that every day until the book is done! HOO RAH!” The reality: go to bed Saturday with an impending cold (no, not con crud; I’m afraid I’ll be Patient Zero for P-Con’s crud this year), be utterly wrecked by Sunday night, be such a Snoresy McSnoresA-Lot that it drives the poor husband…
P-Con IX Report!
Somewhere along the line Ted and I developed enough opinions about P-Con that this year we ended up on the committee to help run it. In fact, apparently I ended up the Co-Chair on the committee, which I discovered on Saturday morning when Pádraig introduced me as such. :) This year’s P-Con was the first run in association with the Irish Writers’ Centre, where the con was held. We had NO IDEA how that was going to be recieved, because normally cons are held at hotels and normally there’s a…