yeah, like that!

To quote my brother-out-law (my brother-in-law’s brother; we think people of that relation level are clearly outlaws), “Man, I wish there was a proper Longest Night celebration. If only this were ancient alternate fantasy France.” Yeah. Like that. :) Happy Solstice anyway. Today or tomorrow or both, what the hell, it’s the longest night and it’s a damned long one!

thinks so they don’t get forgotten

immediately: – get presents wrapped – get presents in the mail – get photos off camera – put up the christmas tree :) very soon: – edits on “The Christmas Hollidays” – do BABA YAGA’S DAUGHTER proofs – write “Ruminations” – get as much as possible done on the ElectriCity script – get Easy Pickings up on Amazon etc house stuff: – replaced the carpet in the living room – painted the living room – bought a new computer desk – bought a new computer chair – bought a new…

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Last Year of the Long Calendar

The Mayan long calendar ends a year from today. Well, it doesn’t end, it clicks over to the next–b’ak’tun, it’s called. The 14th b’ak’tun. There’s no more prophetic doom associated with the end of the long calendar than the millennium, and possibly less: lifting from Wiki, we have the commentary that “for the ancient Maya, it was a huge celebration to make it to the end of a whole cycle.” Me, while I’m in no hurry for the world to end, I’d love to see some kind of stunning world-changing…

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thinks to do: – laundry – dishes – attempt to arrange living room suitably for christmas tree – get auction winners’ books into the mail – finish wrapping christmas presents – get a box for the one particularly difficult-shaped present so it can finally be shipped – shower It’s amazing how a 2am resolution, brought on by an oogy tummy, to never eat anything bad for me again can totally vanish by 6:30am.

I need a whiteboard.

Or something like a whiteboard, so I can write down the next day’s activities on it without forever posting thinks lists to LJ. Perhaps that would help me to remember, say, doing the laundry (which I still haven’t started today). And exercise. And things like that. Or maybe it’d just hang unused, but it’d be an attempt, right? Right. I’m suffering from Chaz’s usual Difficulty With Delivery Men. Having missed yesterday’s delivery, I am now waiting at home obediently for a delivery which might be “a little later” than yesterday’s…

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