back in the world of the working writer…

– REDEEMER revisions to agently satisfaction – my bit on “Easy Pickings” (5-7Kish) – propose DRTB anthology idea – prepare for theoretically incoming CEs on RAVEN CALLS – “Don’t Wreck Your Soul” – revise ANGLES to agently commentary – TWO Gary short stories! (3-5K each!) – one extra bonus Walker Papers short story (3-5K) – Nanowrimo – 3 retold fairy tales (12Kish) – maaaaaaaaaaybe some more Old Races stories (30Kish)


Wow. Kickstarter says that 70% of projects that are 30% funded in the first 48 hours will succeed. “No Dominion” currently stands at just shy of 150% funded after 48 hours. Presumably if we extrapolate from this, there’s a fair chance of reaching the astounding $12K mark which would get a limited edition trade paperback for the Kickstarter backers. That would be very cool, and I’m very interested to see how it goes. :) At the moment, backers have commissioned the following: – “No Dominion”, a novella about Gary Muldoon,…

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At the 24 hour mark, the campaign has hit just under $4600. My readers are *amazing*. This means a bunch of things: 1. “No Dominion” is definitely a go. On April 15, 2012 (6 weeks after RAVEN CALLS is released), backers for the project will get Gary’s story delivered to their in-boxes. 2. There will be a First 24 Hours Reward. This will probably be a short story. So far there are suggestions for a story about the Hollidays, a story about Ashley Hampton, or a pivotal scene or two…

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12 hours in and the NO DOMINION campaign is 2/3rds of the way to fully funded. If it reaches full funding in the first 24 hours, I will do something Extra Nifty and Awesome. Suggestions thus far include send out the novella 2 weeks early to the First 24 Hour Patrons, write a new story about little Ashley Hampton, or a story about the Hollidays. Other suggestions are welcome and will be considered! (Seriously, you guys *rock*. Holy carp, sez I!)

Kickstarter party commencing now!

All right, she said in a burst of nervous excitement, I’m throwing a Kickstarter party starting now. Let’s see if anybody comes. O.O NO DOMINION is up for funding! Recently widowed after nearly fifty years of marriage, Gary Muldoon had given up on adventure. Then shaman Joanne Walker climbed into the back seat of his cab, and since then, Gary has trifled with gods, met mystics, slain zombies and ridden with the Wild Hunt. But now he must leave Joanne’s side to face a battle only he can win. Because…

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