Kitsnacks: Maple & Brown Sugar Apple Butter

I revamped my maple apple butter recipe entirely this year and it is Good. A big part of the difference is I was using eating apples, because that’s what I had this time instead of super sour cooking apples, and it takes much less maple and sugar to overcome the sourness with sweet apples. I did use about five tart apples in this, too, and would recommend that, my own self. So: Miz Kit’s Maple & Brown Sugar Apple Butter 15-20 prepared (peeled, cored, sliced) apples 1.5 c apple juice…

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STONEMASTER Stretch Goals!

The STONEMASTER Kickstarter has reached goal! Now it’s time to start laying out the stretch goals! Now, here’s the thing. Obviously the, er, obvious, stretch goal is book 3, SKYMASTER, which is already written, too. HOWEVAH: Another book is exponentially more costly on my end, mostly due to postage matters: it’s not possible to get SKYMASTER ready at the same time as STONEMASTER, which means I’d be shipping it separately, later, and as most people know, shipping costs are pretty appalling. So I’m willing to put that up there as…

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Very Exciting Developments!

One might imagine, from six weeks of radio silence, that I have been busy. One would be correct. But there have been some Very Exciting Developments in that time! First off, I’ve gotten a studio to work in! It’s part of an artist’s collective, extremely convenient to my son’s school, and, as my husband said, “Bohemian enough to suit your sensibilities.” (I pointed out that I’m really not very bohemian, and he said, “No, but you want to be,” which is perfectly true. :) The collective has a Studio Cat.…

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Launch Day: REDEEMER

At long, LONG last, REDEEMER has been released into the wild! I’ll start out with the links, just in case that’s all you’re here for. REDEEMER is currently available in e-book, and will be available in print within the next few days! KOBO || iTUNES || AMAZON || BARNES & NOBLE July, 1945. Soldiers are coming home from the war…and monsters come with them. THE REDEEMER Rosie wants to keep her job as a riveter, even with her boyfriend returning from World War II. But there’s defying convention, and then…

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Ten Second Trailer Reviews: Aquaman + More

Ten Second Trailer Reviews: Aquaman: I mean the stuff with Little Arthur looks kind of amazing but Mera’s wig is SO VERY BAD and I don’t like the underwater people effects (the city is beautiful), so eh, IDK, withholding judgment. Shazam I would have cast neither that kid nor that man as Billy, but aside from that: naaaaaaaht baaad. Naaaaaaaaht baaaaaaaad at aaallll. Tho I tell you, the bit on the subway where he first hears the wizard’s voice? I went hard to and stayed there, because wow. It does…

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