I got this quite splendid little 2 story grow house from Ikea for Christmas, mostly because I have a handful of cute tiny little orange trees I started growing at the end of last summer and they were getting too cold and very sad and miserable and I wanted somewhere bright and cosy for them. Of course, part of the reason they were becoming sad is that they needed repotting, so this morning I very bravely repotted them. I’m not good at repotting things, so I’m very proud of myself.…
Author: mizkit
several 100 dayses
We’re up to day 8 of our #100DaysOfWriting. So far I’ve had a couple days where I’ve really ONLY done 100 words, but I haven’t missed one yet! I suspect I feel a sense of obligation due to having ended up sort of spearheading the 100 Days effort here, but that’s really good for me. It’s made me get things done on days I wouldn’t have otherwise (including today…). I’m also working–well. Sort of working toward. Several other 100 Days projects. 100 days of DuoLingo, just because I’m most of…
Marvel Movie Marathon: Captain America: The First Avenger
Someone on The Internets pointed out, late last year, that if a person was to watch a Marvel movie every week in the new year, they would wrap up just in time for Avengers: Infinity War, which is out (here, at least) on April 28th. Ted and I thought that was a great idea and set out to do so, with the thought in mind that we would watch them all chronologically, starting, clearly, with Captain America: The First Avenger. (Here’s a full chronological list of the Marvel Cinematic Universe,…
100 Days Of Writing: A Project
Late last year, near the end of Nanowrimo, a friend said she thought maybe she would do a 100 days of writing challenge instead of NNWM, because she thought that would work better for her. “Oh!” I said immediately, “I’ll do that with you!” “AUGH,” she said, “but, but, you’ll actually DO it!” We started yesterday. :) As a matter of fact, about…30 of us started, I’d say, between Facebook and Twitter. The minimum goal is 100 words of writing every day for 100 days. People can do more than…
2017: a retrospective / 2018: some goals
2017 wasn’t as personally awful as 2016, but it was still a trash fire. I’m ending it on a high note, though, after a Herculean effort that saw me write 25K in 3 days, 13.2 of that in *one* day (a personal best), to get a project in on time. I succeeded. I’m very tired, but I succeeded. I wrote two books, neither of which were planned, and a novella (which was planned) this year, and some short stories. I published three books in 2018 (SEAMASTER (a middle grade epic…