Octocon was this past weekend, and a fine Octocon it was! I decided to do a dealer’s table at the last minute, and it went…well. I brought jam and books. About…70 jars of jam, and 30-40 books. In fact, I had to restock for the second day, because what I’d brought on day one had sold out to the tune of about 80%, which was sort of Beyond My Expectations. I don’t seem to have gotten a picture of the books on day one, but (first photo courtesy of, by…
Author: mizkit
i got nothin’. or too much.
I keep doing things and not having time to blog about them. Or not thinking to. Or thinking to but deciding sleep is better. Or that making pear jam is better. (It turns out making pear jam is a GREAT idea.) yeah, so the thing is that I have, like, a ton of jam-making posts to do, except they’re all just pictures of jam in the process and that starts seeming boring and…anyway, I made crabapple jelly that’s perfectly gorgeous and I made…in fact I made 4 kinds of jam…
how earning rewards works for me
Me: I will watch s5 Orphan Black when I have launched BEWITCHING BENEDICT Me: I will watch s5 Orphan Black when I’ve got REDEEMER sorted Me: I will watch s5 Orphan Black when I have this unexpected thing sent off Me: I will watch s5 Orphan Black when KISS OF ANGELS is written Dear Me: when the fuck am I really going to be allowed to watch s5 Orphan Black? Apparently Me: when the entire 22 book to-do list is done. Sometimes I hate me.
Blackberries: from bramble to bread
I went blackberry picking this morning, which I’ve been feeling torn up about having had no time to do. (I genuinely feel better for having gone.) I’d found a good run of them a couple weeks ago and went to check it out, to great success: That’s over a kilo of berries picked in about 45 minutes, which I felt was a pretty good haul. While I was picking, one woman walking by said, “Good day for picking!” and another one who had been out picking yesterday actually stopped to…
Picoreview: Inhumans
Picoreview: Inhumans: not *as* bad as the reviews said. To further illuminate that comment, I also went to see Rough Night this week, and of the two, Inhumans is not the one I wanted to walk out of. That said, you should not in any way mistake it for *good*. I went because I was sort of horrifiedly fascinated to see just how bad it was, after all the scathing reviews. The result may be that my expectations were SO LOW that I could not actually be disappointed. Also, there…