I did do some pilates this morning. Not even pilates. Pre-beginners pilates. Pilates For People Who Are Too Out Of Shape To Do Pilates Or Anything Else For That Matter. Worse, I only did one round, and you’re supposed to do two. I am pathetic. And the office floor needs vacuuming.
Author: mizkit
Picoreview: Beauty and the Beast
Picoreview: Beauty and the Beast: exceeded my expectations by a considerable margin. (Also, irrelevantly, I was sitting between two little girls who sang all the songs they knew, and an older woman who kept wiping her eyes, both of which I found pretty charming. :)) The showing I went to go see originally was sold out, which meant I basically spent four hours wandering vaguely around downtown Drogheda (spoiler: it hasn’t got 4 hours worth of entertainment in it) so I could go to the next one. I was pretty…
i has a sick
A cold attacked me on Sunday. One minute I was fine, five minutes later I had a raging sore throat and completely stuffed sinuses. Monday I sat on the couch and watched Farscape. Tuesday I went to Dublin, which was clearly an overtaxing of my ability, but I was glad I went. I went to bed at 7:30pm on Tuesday night (Indy tucked me in and read me a story &heart;), woke briefly at 11 and thought “yay I’m a lot better!” and went back to sleep…and woke up at…
Sugar Wars: Wagon? What Wagon?
After closing out my 30 day run at this, I didn’t so much fall off the wagon as take a long low running dive and strike out away from the wagon as hard as I possibly could. I even stopped counting calories. There has been a distinct To Hell With It All vibe, and I’ve been Just Fine with that. Today, however, marks the start of another go at this, with a 6-week run ahead of me instead of 30 days. I don’t know quite how I’ll handle this go.…
Introducing Sophia the First
Not that we expect more Sophias. She’s named after a Disney princess. :) I decided rather suddenly this week that we needed a cat, and since the animal rescue was having an adoption day on Saturday, we went in to look at “Tiggles”, who had been with them since December because she HAAAAAAAAAATED adoption days and curled into the corner of the cage and hissed and spat at anybody who came near. She’s been fostered at one of the rescuers’ homes, though, and they swore she was charming and sweet…