I have Ambitions about the garden. My Ambitions probably require a wood chipper, a chainsaw, a tiller, whatever one uses to pull (reasonably small, because I wouldn’t try to deal with the big trees) stumps/roots out, and as many willing bodies as is feasible, to accomplish. See, half of it garden is gone to wild, and was before we moved in here. I don’t even necessarily mind that it’s wild. It’s that it’s murderous, full of brambles (which at least produce blackberries) and nettles (which don’t). I’d like to reduce…
Author: mizkit
Sugar Wars: 30 Days Done
Today was sort of a weird day. I’d fully intended to get up and make pancakes and really just blow the whole thing out of the water, but we ended up going into Dublin, so I had a decent breakfast instead and headed in. Had my beloved mint hot chocolate there, and thought “This is really very very sweet.” That was a kick in the pants. o.O Ate a small sensible lunch, had some gorp for a snack, ate quite a lot of dinner and some cookies afterward, but stayed…
Sugar Wars: 28 Days Later
I’m doing this for 30 days and keep thinking “4 weeks” and also keep forgetting what day I started, so today is 4 weeks but I’m not quite done yet. Not, she said grimly, that this can ever be *done* for me, because I’ll just fall back into old habits if I loosen the rein. Old, tasty habits. Still, I may treat this as sort of a wrap-up post, although hey, don’t worry, there’ll be a new leg of it starting soon. The only other time I’ve gone off sugar…
Sugar Wars: Whoops
Despite my careless confidence yesterday, I went over calorie budget today. Given that I was below all week (drastically below on the day I inadvertantly barfed up dinner @.@), I’m not exactly concerned about this. It’d be nice if all this nonsense reflects in the scale on weigh-in day. We’ll see. I went to a movie this afternoon and was quite hungry going in, but reluctant to get popcorn or any of the other crap available at the theatre. I stopped at a local bakery and got an eclair instead.…
coloring: elfquest: picknose
“PICKNOSE,” shrieked the six year old, gleefully. “Why is he called PICKNOSE? Does he PICK HIS NOSE A LOT?!?!” “No,” I said, amused. “It’s because is nose is shaped like a pick, which is the thing he’s holding.” Indy was less disappointed by this than I expected. :) I haven’t done much coloring lately, by which I mean, in the past 6 months. I opened up my big Elfquest coloring book once and got overwhelmed because all I’d put down on the page so far were the orange highlights for…