and they were GOOD. I semi-invented a chocolate chip peanut butter cookie recipe that’s almost pretty decent. Well, I mean, it is decent. It’s not quite what I’m going for, not yet, so I’ll have to give it another go, but not for a while. I actually feel (tonight, at least, god knows tomorrow is another day) that the craving, which was as much for the baking process as the eating cookies, has been satisfied. Baking makes me feel better. I also managed to walk 14K steps today, which didn’t…
Author: mizkit
PT Session # whatever
Saw my PT yesterday. My PT is lovely. We geeked out over being eager to see Logan. :) Anyway, I was (and am) feeling pretty emotionally wrecked, and asked her to take it a little easy on me. Sure, she said. It must be the weather, she said; her first three clients that morning had cried, she said. Gawd. Anyway, she did take it easy on me, and said, post-work, that I was really a lot looser overall and that she was totally justified in going easier on me. That…
Sugar Wars: Bleh.
It’s amazing how a couple of weeks of eating, if not exactly decently, at least non-sugarly, has flattened my enthusiasm for eating poorly. I ate many things I shouldn’t have today, one of which I actually regretted in straight up “no, I shouldn’t have eaten that,” way and one of which I thought was going to be a lot better than it was (a ham and egg crepe, which sounds good, doesn’t it? But it wasn’t.). I also have a significantly smaller appetite than I did 2.5 weeks ago. So…
To Be Read Shelf, 2017
I’m pretty sure I’ve gone over to the dark side. I’m looking at my TBR shelf and thinking “the only way I’m going to read half of these is if I get the ebook.” My last…several…book purchases have been e-books, with the exception of one that’s on its way that wasn’t available to me in e-book (and which I have the first book in print and signed), and I’ve replaced a few with e-books at this point. And there are several more on this list that, realistically, if I’m gonna…
Sugar Wars: Two Weeks & Counting
All I want out of life is a plate of chocolate chip peanut butter cookies. I don’t even *like* chocolate chip peanut butter cookies. I find them a perpetual disappointment. But I desperately want some. This isn’t getting any easier. It’s not actually that it’s hard, it’s that it makes me grumpy, at least in part because I find baking soothing and these troubled times we’re living in require some real fucking soothment. But I’ve met me, and if I bake cookies, there’s no way I’ll stop eating at two.…